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Snap Benefits

SNAP and Debit Information

Did you know that you can use your EBT (SNAP) or debit card to make purchases at the City Market?  It’s easy!

  • Stop by the Market Central booth, and swipe your card
  • Receive the dollar amount that you designate in wooden market tokens to spend at the market

For DEBIT card users:

  1. Swipe your card for the desired amount in $5 increments (we’ll add a one dollar convenience fee to cover the bank fees and administrative costs)
  2. Receive $5 tokens to spend like cash throughout the market
  3. Change can be given for these tokens
  4. Tokens are good throughout the season

For SNAP/E.B.T. card users:

  1. SNAP beneficiaries (formerly Food Stamps) can swipe their card at the booth, and get $1 tokens to spend on qualifying food purchases at the market
  2. When you get SNAP tokens, you’ll also receive a matching dollar amount in double voucher coupons to spend along with the tokens, up to $10 (the coupons are possible through grant from the Wholesome Wave Foundation)
  3. Vendors are not allowed to give change for SNAP tokens.

Want to give a market gift certificate?   We’ve got them at our table – just stop by for details!

Have more questions or want to get started accepting tokens as a vendor?  Email Kelly, our SNAP/Debit Coordinator, at

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